4 Ways I Practice Self Care


Self care is one of those topics that seems is always talked about when stress gets high. When the weight of the world seems like it will nearly break you… insert self care. I personally believe that self care is something that should be practiced all the time. It should be woven into our daily lives as part of a normal routine for a healthy balance. It shouldn’t only be practiced when times get tough or when we’re stressed to the max. Take time for you. Do things for you. Fill your cup. In doing this, you set yourself up to better serve those around you; your husband, your kids, your friends, your co-workers, etc. etc.

Today I want to share 4 ways that I personally practice self-care. These aren’t big over the top things. They are simple things that make me happy, give me some “me” time, and they fill my cup to the brim so I am ready to pour into others.

  1. Exercise- This will always be my number one outlet for self care. Putting my head phones in, blaring my music, and tuning out the world for an hour truly helps my mental state each day so so much. This is a no-compromise part of my self care routine. Not only is exercise good for your physical health, but it’s most importantly good for your mental health. As little as 5 minutes a day of exercise can have anti-stress & anxiety effects. Even if it’s just a walk outside, or a 30 minute walk on the treadmill, take that hour for yourself each day. Get moving! I promise it’s worth it!

  2. A Simple Pedicure- I try to take an hour every few weeks to go get a pedicure. My ideal pedicure is quiet while listening to calming music and just fully relaxing. I’ve found a few calming music playlists on Spotify that I really love. I try my best not to just mindlessly scroll my phone while getting a pedicure, but rather listen to some music and just relax.

  3. Unplug- As much as I LOVE my blog and IG and doing this as a job, it’s also really nice to unplug every now and again. Not only is it nice, but I think it’s very necessary. I try to take time every few days to unplug for awhile. It is so good for my mental state and helps me come back to it with a clear mind.

  4. Gratitude List- It helps me tremendously to make a list of things I am grateful for. I don’t get to this every single day (although I should), but every few days I will write down a list of things I am grateful for. If I’m in a funk, it helps me shift my perspective. If I’m having a good day, it elevates that good day even more. A gratitude list is a perfect practice of self care on both good days and bad. We all have something to be grateful for.


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