Tips for Staying Productive: Especially During Times Like These


Hi Sweet Friends! I hope you all are staying healthy, safe, and well! I, like so many of us, have to really work hard right now to stay productive and focused. I know all of our situations are very different, but for me personally, it’s a juggling act with still being so busy with work. All we can do is try our best to stay productive and organized, and give ourselves grace knowing that this is a difficult time in general. I want to talk through some things that really help me get through my days productively and stay on top of my to-do list.

  • Plan. Every Sunday evening I sit down and plan out my week. I write down everything I have scheduled for the week so that I have a high level view of what my plan is each day. Of course real life happens, and plans change, so I always go over my schedule each morning before getting the day started.

  • Me time. I start my day with me time every day. Each morning I try to wake up early and have a cup of coffee by myself. During this time I will look through my calendars and make sure I have everything written down that I need to get accomplished for the day. I am one of those people that works so much better when I have a to-do list and stuff I can cross off. Based off of this list is how I structure the next important part of my day: exercise.

  • Exercise. This is a must for me. It helps me clear my head and is a huge stress relief. In a “normal” routine, I have the gym scheduled in every single morning at the same time. Lately, exercise happens when I can get it in, which is sometimes in the morning, or sometimes in the evening, but I try to make it happen each day.

  • Get “ready” for the day. Getting dressed for the day even if I don’t have anywhere to actually go. If you follow me on IG, you know that this definitely doesn’t happen every day for me and that’s totally OK! But I have found that on the days that I do put a little makeup on and normal clothes, I always feel better than on days where I stay in loungewear.

  • A structured calendar. This helps me tremendously! Especially with working a full time job and running my business at the same time. I have everything written down and scheduled for the day so that I don’t miss anything important. I love being able to cross things off as I complete them. It is an easy way to feel accomplished.

I’m sure most of you already do some of these things in your own day to day, but I wanted to share in case you don’t. I’d love to hear what you personally do to stay productive. Share it with me in the comments so others can see too!

The main thing to remember through all of this is that YOU ARE NOT ALONE. WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. Every single one of us has a unique situation in this, but they are all equally as hard in their own way. My days are not perfect by any means. They are messy and chaotic, and definitely don’t always go as planned. But I am doing the best I can with the cards we have been dealt with quarantine!

That’s all for now, girls. Have a fantastic week ahead!


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