How to Care for a Fiddle Leaf Fig


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Let me start off by saying, I am no plant expert.. like at all! In fact, I usually don’t have great luck with plants, and I definitely don’t have a green thumb. However, I have managed to keep all of my fiddle figs alive, and they really haven’t required a TON of upkeep. I really love the way they look in our home. Fiddle Figs are the perfect addition to your home to add greenery and a cozy factor, and they look so adorable in a cute basket.

I’ve found really nice fiddle leafs at Lowes, and I also scored one at Publix one time. Publix doesn’t usually keep them in stock though like Lowes does. So try your local home improvement store if you’re looking for a fiddle!

My 4 Best Tips for Fiddle Leaf Fig Care:

  1. Give It Light: I think this might be one of the most important factors in caring for your fiddle fig. I recommend keeping it by a window so that it gets natural sunlight. Indirect sunlight is best.

  2. Rotate The Fiddle: After you’ve found the perfect window spot for your fiddle, make sure to rotate it about every week or so. If you don’t rotate it, it will start to lean towards the light. You want it to have adequate sunlight all around.

  3. Don’t Over Water: Fiddle Leafs like water, but not too much water. I give my large tree about 5 cups of water per week, and my smaller ones about 2 cups of water per week. They don’t need a ton of water, just enough to dampen the soil. Don’t soak it down!

  4. Clean the Leaves: Wipe the leaves down about once a week (you can even make a habit of it when you’re watering the tree). The leaves can get quite dusty, so it’s important to wipe them down. You can just use a rag with warm water. I’ve also used coconut oil on the leaves as well!

That’s really all I do to keep my fiddle leaf trees happy! They are so beautiful and I really love the look of them, so the little bit of maintenance they require doesn’t bother me.

Of course, if you like the look of them, but you don’t have the time to care for the tree, you could always opt for a faux option! I rounded up some beautiful faux fiddle options below.


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